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In today’s corporate world, whether you are in business, charity, ministry, sports, politics or even the academia it’s important for you to...

Friday, June 14, 2013

Get a plan

It is shocking to find out that you are heading off the path into the bush or are in a pot hole simply because you did not open your eyes when that person leading you took the helm. The thing is leadership ought to be a part of all of us. Trudging through a mine field and stepping on an explosive because you did not look where you were going is first of all your fault because you have handed over your future to the person you are following. That is why we warn, if you must follow anyone, open your eyes very well.
The concept has its presence in all manner of relationships. The home front, Office and business, social and religious. Leaders are expected to manifest and do their thing in all areas of society. But in some cases the followers are innocent and have no way of avoiding disaster, even if they see it coming. Take for instance a family that has the father who is presumed to be the head not necessarily planning things and providing for the home. The children can not really take charge of the situation. Neither can the woman who is the mother unless she has a means of livelihood. Everyone needs some kind of leadership even in ones self. That is why we have what is called self leadership. If you do not know where you are headed, any path would take you there.
So get a plan, have plans for everything you want to achieve. From having children to starting a business even onto retiring and being financially independent. You need a plan for everything you possibly want to do!