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Friday, August 17, 2018

My eyes, my eyes! A writers phobia for glasses conquered

Squinting guys, my eyes, my eyes. Small lettering doesn't agree with me anymore. I carry a Techno phone that has a light. Yes, its an android, I must let on before you crucify me for staying analogue in this digital mass.
I've been told to get glasses, but the trouble is I do not want to end up like the tortoise in the story with bifocals perched on the end of his nose. I suppose eventually I might get a pair for reading and writing, but this is one sign we don't like to give into. Age. What did the bible say about one of the patriarchs? His eyes grew so dim that he could not tell Jacob from Esau. I find that pretty difficult to believe you know. Even if he was as blind as a bat, he would surely be able to tell his children apart. Perhaps he was faking it.
I am not faking it. I went to the drug store to get some medicine and the lady pharmacist raised an alarm when I brought out my flash light to make sure I have the right drugs. Her shop wasn't well lit and the lettering on the slip was quite small. Am I making excuses? At a certain age we are in denial. We like to think and believe all the parts of our body will function the way they used to. For one who writes and reads for a living, its an alarm when you can no longer see like you used to. You find yourself squinting at the lettering on the computer, in the newspaper, on the indication leaflet of a drug, at your digital bible(well that can be adjusted) and critical at the business related text messages you receive on your phone.
I have made a commitment to see the ophthalmologist and the optician. Get it over with and make sure that the googles, bifocals or glasses I get are wire frames so I wont even know they are there.
I am interested in putting in one other thing before before I end this rant: Is it really true that glasses are corrective and that we can give them up after some time. Or is that just a line the opticians sell to us with the glasses we pay for?
So to give myself consolation forgiving in to this "visionary" transformation I made a list of celebs who wear glasses and look good: Jay Z, Taye Diggs, TI, Zoe Saldana, LeBron James, Aziz Ansari. Hmmm there are quite a few. That makes it feel better, I tell you.;

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