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Thursday, March 7, 2019

Rate yourself. Questions that would help you determine how well you are doing in your career......

28 Questions that will help you assess how well you are doing with your career….

1.   Have I attained the goal that I established as my objective for this year?(You should work with a definitive yearly objective to be attained as a part of your major life objective)
2.   Have I delivered service of the best possible quality of which I was capable or should I have improved any part of this service?
3.   Have I delivered service in the greatest possible quantity of which I was capable?
4.   Has the spirit of my conduct been harmonious and cooperative at all times?
5.   Have I permitted the habit of procrastination to decrease my efficiency and if so to what exent?
6.   Have I improved my personality and if so, in what ways?
7.   Have I been persistent in following my plans through to completion?
8.   Have I reached decisions promptly and definitely on all occasions?
9.   Have I permitted any one or more of the six basic fears to decrease my efficiency?
10.                     Have I been either “over cautious” or “under-cautious”?
11.                     Has my relationship with my colleagues in work been pleasant or unpleasant? If it has been unpleasant, has the fault been partly or wholly mine?
12.                     Have I dissipated any of my energy through lack of concentration of effort?
13.                     Have I been open minded and tolerant in connection with all subjects and issues?
14.                     In what way have I improved my ability to provide service?
15.                     Have I been intemperate in any of my habits
16.                     Have expressed openly or secretly any form of egotism?
17.                     Has my conduct towards my colleagues be such that it has induced them to respect me?
18.                     Have my opinions and decisions been based on guess work, or accuracy of analysis and thought?
19.                     Have I followed the habit of budgeting my time, my expenses and my income, and have I been conservative in these budgets?
20.                     How much time have I devoted to unprofitable effort which I might have used to better advantage?
21.                     How will I re-budget my time and change my habits so I can be more efficient from now on?
22.                     Have I been guilty of any conduct that was not approved by my conscience?
23.                     In what ways have I provided more service and better service than I was paid for?
24.                     Have I been unfair to anyone, and if so, in what way?
25.                     IF I had been the purchaser of my services for the past year would I have been satisfied with my purchase?
26.                     Have the purchasers of my service been satisfied and if not, why not?
27.                     Am I in the right vocation? If not, why not?
28.                     What is my current rating on the fundamental principles of success?

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