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The power of the strategic plan

In today’s corporate world, whether you are in business, charity, ministry, sports, politics or even the academia it’s important for you to...

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

“80 percent of your sales will come from 20 percent of your clients !

Sorry if this sounds like Pareto but:
 “80 percent of your sales will come from 20 percent of
your clients"

...... and those 20 percent are the people you
are going to have long term relationships with.”

Know your Customers: When your product what you
are selling is the product as well as yourself to the customers. You need to know
  who your customers are and what medium they
would find useful. Find out what your customers do and
what thy read and buy. This knowledge of their habits
will benefit you in infinite ways.                                                                    
You need to know how educated they are, what they own,
what they might want to own, how much money they have.
You should not place  any promotions until you have
conducted solid   research. For example, how
many of your customers own a business? If your customers
are people who need security companies because they
own small businesses, there will be all sorts of other
services they will also need, such as short term
insurance and transportation.                                                                               

One thing you know already about your customers: You
know they are enlightened. If you are reaching the educated        
elite. They will probably want to educate their                            
children. Find out what courses are available for
learning in your country. They are
probably also interested in books. Find out what kinds
of books they like to read.

Know your product: Above all, you need to know your
product. You need to know the  quality and availability and have
proof of it.  You need to know where its available.

Developing Categories or variations of your product.
A number of categories of potential clients and
markets that can be developed, if you do that. You also need to                                                                 develop expertise about each category
about these products. You could start looking to find
out what you can learn about them them  

Prospecting clients: 80 percent of sales come from 20
percent of clients. Those 20 percent are the people
you are going to have to build the long-term
relationship with. You are also going to constantly be
trying to get more of your clients into this second
category. When you are prospecting clients you must
ask yourself a few key questions:

First, have they got a budget? Will they be able to
pay for regular products?
Second: Will they benefit from consistent purchases?

Are they reselling at a profit and using your products
as a major process?

Building your Client List: Once you’ve prospected your
clients, you need to begin to build up your client
You do this two ways:
Develop your relationship with existing clients: If
they are still happy with you and still consider
themselves your client, nurture this relationship. If
they have purchased before, it is likely they will
 do it again. So start with your old clients from
your archives.  
Prospect for new clients: How are you going to do
this? Get the clients from your competition!

Keeping track of your clients: When you have developed
a category of clients, you are going to starting
building up your list of contacts. If you are working
with a contact book, you are going to need another
book where you put down the day’s date and you write
down and make notes on every phone call and every
visit you make. You might think this is a lot of
trouble, but it is like gold, because two months or
six months later, you’ll pick up the phone and you’ll
say to them what they told you when they spoke to you
some months ago and they’ll think ‘this person is

Find a system that works for you! If you don’t already
have a method of building up a contact list, maybe you
can start this afternoon. Buy a book, or start a card
system. Or use a computer. The important thing is to
chose a system that works Even if
just write one sentence about a single phone call!

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