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Sunday, November 13, 2016

Things to note about personal growth!

Personal growth should lead to promotion: the upward movement that increasingly frees you to do more thinking and than actual doing. In a Human Resource Management seminar the debate took place about why bosses who seem to do less actually receive more pay for seemingly being idle! The bosses compensable factors had to be stressed. Picture that all important meeting in your office for instance, a group of foot soldiers sit around the conference table with all manner of documents at hand and various sizes of laptops open to spread sheets and presentations. Then the big boss enters the room with very little. Why is that? Well he was not hired run computers, maintain schedules and carry files! Most bosses are hired for their expertise in a certain area and because of the power of the ideas. In the modern corporate world, organizations want people with the best kind of ideas to be in leadership. So that is why in competitive environments, the promotions and upliftment would go to the men and women who show initiative and potential for growth. How frequently can you generate new ideas in your work environment? Do you show aptitude for learning, are you  well informed, quick to understand things and willing to learn more?
Human resource studies show that there are a category of people who lose interest in their career after a period of time. If you have high levels of intensity and creativity you are not likely to lose interest, rather you are more likely to be spurred into finding a better way to do the job. Growth oriented people are too busy trying to stretch and break records, do the unimaginable and top their category in performance rather than being bogged down by petty details of the day.  Try this: spend more time expanding your knowledge and experience and see what effect it has on your person and your career! Your interest levels and excitement are bound to reach new heights!
When you stop growing there is a tendency for you to stop enjoying your work. The person who is growing continually in knowledge and experience never gets tired. He is always looking for the next level of achievement, the next milestone to meet, the next tape to breast. One way to stay fresh is to start spreading your knowledge or know how. Help other people to grow. See where and how you can identify useful knowledge and information and spread it among the people that need it or could use it! You would be amazed at what would happen. Create a curious mind for yourself. See how many ways a problem can be solved. List the different kinds of would-be solutions and imagine scenarios. Personal growth should help you focus on people, find out what they need and see how you could provide it. When you focus on people, people will focus on you!  It all begins with you questioning yourself: How can I...... Curiosity and drive are often more powerful than intelligence. Intelligence can be of great use, but most of what you need to complete tasks and bring projects to an end and search for new ideas and solutions is found in drive. So drive yourself to personal growth and see if you do not move up!

My learning curve

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