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In today’s corporate world, whether you are in business, charity, ministry, sports, politics or even the academia it’s important for you to...

Friday, June 10, 2016

Rapid Growth Strategies

No matter what strategy you  use to rapidly expand your business you will have to have three things in place if you want to be successful. A burning desire to see your business grow; a clear cut goal to where you want to be; a deadline for its accomplishment. If these things are not in place you could try all the strategies you want  and still not get there. So before instigating any of these ideas, spend some time defining  these three things you will find  it easier to succeed when you know where you are going.  Micheal Grant outlines five key strategies....
The massive action strategy: Find out what you need to do to get the output you desire in your business. Some people have to talk to a large number of people, some have to manufacture a certain number of goods, some have to write, read or speak. Some have to travel to a foreign country and bring goods into there own country. Whatever it is you have to do, do not relent on your massive action to get it done.
The advertising strategy. One of the major problems with advertising is that the messages hardly ever reach those people who need to hear them. If you message does not get to your basic target then you have a problem. So narrow your messages down to the right channels so that they will go right to your intended audience. There are so many messages in the world today competing for the attention of people that if we do not find a unique way to get to our intended audience, we will not promote our product or service adequately.
The strengths strategy. What is your strength? How can you use it to get what you want. Do you market or prospect very well? Are you good at presentation. Is writing your specialty? Whatever your strength is, it could be the secret to you organizing your business and meeting your targets.
The consistent change strategy. Changing a mode or method of doing business is difficult especially if you have been making progress with what you are doing. But a slight change here and there can bring freshness to business and help people appreciate the innovations you are bringing into your business. So we ought to see change as a tools for attracting  additional business.  
The new product launch strategy. Everyone loves new things. Curiosity often gets the best of us. In a company where we have stabilized in the production of a product or the provision of a service it often works for us to introduce new products from the same stable and offer them to old customers. This can be done until we have a complete product range.

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