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Friday, June 24, 2016

The marketing environment in Nigeria

A marketer is not operating in a vacuum and so should understand the environment and seize the opportunities in the environment to be able to succeed and meet the challenges. There are many behavioral paradigms, product  preferences, buying influences and cultural traits that affect the way people buy. Sometimes its interest, moral obligation, desire, wants needs and attractions that make the people want to buy or particular commodity or pay for a service.
Here a few factors that affect the way and the reasons why people buy what they buy in Nigeria:
Godliness: We worship God a lot, its good but sometimes we leave other things undone.
Respect: We are a people taught to respect elders and people in authority. We do this but now the people are doubting a lot of those who hold leadership positions
Honour : We love titles and awards in Nigeria. So we are people that have learnt to honour achievement. So much so that sometimes we honour the wrong people.
Hospitality: Nigerians are a caring people and they welcome visitors and tourists making them feel comfortable in the process.
Gratitude: We are a thanking people in Nigeria. Our willingness to express gratitude has often got us into trouble.
National Pride: We are proud of our country although we are not quick to admit it these days inside the country. But when we are attacked outside we defend our national pride adequately.
Moral values : Moral values have taken a battering in Nigeria but that is not to say that there are no people who do what is right. There are still loads of people who would do the right thing in any situation.
Motherhood, motherliness: Mothers are given tremendous respect, especially those who take care of children the way they are expected to.
Children: Children of all ages are loved and taken care of. Although the present young generation feels neglected to the extent that it appears they could be the ones to start trouble in the country in the future. 
Corruption: Bribery, stealing, graft and dishonesty have become part of our national life. What can be done about it? Nobody seems to have the answer.
Extended family system.Some people say distant relatives and relationships with extended family are part of the cause of corruption. In any case, we care for our family members and some people have as many as 15 dependents because of this system. After my class I would be publishing a more detailed version of this.

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