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Friday, October 6, 2017

7 Business competencies you need to lead!

Leadership: Taking the initiative on your job, making decisions on behalf of the organization and not referring to a boss or a top manager every time you run into a problem is a sign of you developing your leadership skills. You could go higher.
Communication skills: Your oral and verbal communication is important. How often are you understood or misunderstood at the work place? Do you write a memo and get it thrown back at you with the instructions: Make it clearer we don’t understand what you mean. Speaking clearly and being understood by those you address is of utmost importance.
Presentation skills: If you are asked to make a presentation to people at your office what would be your reaction? Do you know that people have been promoted based on their ability to present a strategy, plan or workflow process. What about you?
Workflow Management: Getting the process of production to move faster with greater productivity and maximum quality involved is a great asset. If you can do this, you are bound to be recommended for the next promotion.  Top management is always looking for people who can improve the flow of work.   
Adaptability: How good are your skills, can you adapt to various situations? Does your skills set enable you function in different capacities without strain? Being adaptable could make you a great asset to your organization.
Customer Service: The customer will remain king for as long as we want to be in business. Every worker needs to know that treating the customer right is one of the greatest skills that can be learnt and must be learnt by all people in the work place. As long as you can hold the customer with high esteem you are on your way to being valued by your organization.  

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