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Monday, October 30, 2017

Attitude is a component of business success

Human Resource Management professionals are recruiting more for attitude with the intention of training for skill and competency in this century. The crux of the matter is the right attitude and behavior is urgently needed to ensure that employees of an organization would do the job right and focus on meeting goals that are set by the organization. The right behavior is consistently being taught in management school.  HRM understands that bad behavior and attitude can get in the way of skill, if steps are not taken to determine and differentiate good attitude and behavior and distinguish it from bad or unacceptable conduct.
Every employee should take an attitude test, in addition to the aptitude that we so much focus on, and see if indeed his behavior is not serving as a hindrance to his success and growth on the job.  Here are some parameters you ought to consider to determine if your attitude is right or wrong:
1.    The whole is more important than the parts! This philosophy has its Here root in your ability to put the organizational interest before your personal interest. A good manager ought to be able to sustain business, development or success in organizational strategy while being uncomfortable himself if the need arises. Human nature often makes us think of our individual comfort first. But if we can delay gratification, in a good system, rewards are normally greater when they are delayed.
2.    Keep your eye on the goal! Organizational vision and mission statements should be so compelling that they should help the staff or operatives get through business on a bad day. Keeping our minds eye on the vision we have, often helps us go through uncomfortable circumstances and situations undaunted, because we know and believe in where we are going. All of your workforce should be able to stay focused, understand the mission and vision of the organization and relate everyday actions to this mission and vision.
3.    Have a unified direction! In management and productive processes we find that even though the direction of people might be similar, the paths we tread could vary, as long as they ultimately lead us in the same direction. Everyone in an organization should work towards the same goal, no matter how varied our skills, work or jobs are within the same organizational setting. A unified direction would strengthen the processes and outcomes in any organization that it exists.
4.    Reinvest in your skills and productive processes! If you take time out as often as possible to spend a percentage of your resources on honing your skills and improving your productive processes, you are bound to consistently improve on what you are doing for a living. Consistent practice, seeking out cutting edge strategies and improved practices will give you a high appeal at your business. Never be satisfied with how good you are. Seek to get better.
5.    Try New and more efficient ways of making progress! Innovation attracts patronage when it is refreshing and more efficient. Management professionals of all kinds should not be afraid to try out new ways of doing things. Research and development should lead to more efficiency and better ways of achieving results. As long as quality is not compromised newness is attractive.
6.    Staying positive no matter what is going wrong! In management, things are liable to go wrong no matter how well we have planned the processes. We can control certain variables, but there are others that we cannot control. Staying positive in the middle of disappointments is an important psychological attribute that we all need. Those who give up so easily could have a bad influence on the team.
7.    Rewards are important! Rewards are important in management. They serve as a viable source of motivation. But the attitude people have towards rewards is also important. We should not have people on our teams who seek to be achievers merely to claim rewards. A focus on a larger picture is important.

Having all this in mind is one thing, implementing it is another. The best way to find out if your staff has the right attitude is to create scenario and psychometric tests for them which will expose hidden character traits.

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