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Wednesday, October 4, 2017

The whole hub of job motivation

When we talk of job related motivation, the first thing that comes to mind is money. But research shows that money is not the only source of motivation. In fact, there is a whole hub of motivational concepts that spur the worker into doing a better job and money is just one of the many things on the list.
Here are some of the things that would enable you to know whether you are truly getting the best out of your job. Look at the following options and see if you can answer in the affirmative to all them.
Do you have:
A job that is worth while and of interest to you?
A boss you can respect?
Enough basic pay?
Some degree of personal challenge?
The opportunity to progress?
The chance of being part of a good team of people?
The chance of being well trained to do the job?
Sufficient resources to carry out the job?
A reasonable
degree of stability and security?
The chance of being involved in deciding how to do the job and organize the work?
You will notice that only one of these options has to do with money. What about the others? 

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