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Tuesday, July 12, 2016

How can you make yourself more valuable to your employer: SKILL SET!

In human resource management we often summarize the assessment of a new candidate via an equation that helps analyze the key areas that would be considered: (Attitude+Skill+ability+experience). Often we extend the equation to include the variables that the candidate has to grapple with in the work place: (Environment+Motivation+Tools) What this means is if the candidate has all these variables at his behest he is likely to be able to do his job optimally! Attitude comes first because without the right attitude, no matter how skilled the candidate is, he would not be able to do the job properly. What we mean is his attitude will get in the way of his skill. Let's focus on skill here. What's in your skill set? We could categorize skills into three main categories: Manual skills, Clerical Skills and Higher Mental skills.
Manual skills include:
ability to work with machines and tools
Clerical skills: How good are you at drawing up relevant checklists for your work on any kind of activity you seek to engage in? Mnemonics: This has to do with your memory and your ability to remember things. There are people who can commit volumes of useful information to memory with out much effort. Its an invaluable skill. Algorithms are a set of instructions that lead to a predictable result. A common example of an algorithm would be instructions for assembling a model airplane. Given the starting set of a number of marked pieces, one can follow the instructions given to result in a predictable end-state: the completed airplane. Misprints in the instructions, or a failure to properly follow a step, will result in a faulty end product. There is also what is known as computer based learning. A lot of people in the present age are learning new things via training themselves with the help of a computer.
Higher mental skills  include: the ability to comprehend concepts, problem solving skills , communication skills: listening, persuading and observing. All of these skills can be rapidly improved upon. The better you become at them, the more valuable you become to your employer.

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