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Thursday, July 21, 2016

Supercharge your thoughts with Possibility Thinking!

No situation is totally hopeless! One thing you have to do when you find yourself in a quandary is to supercharge your thoughts. If you can take control of the way you think, there is a possibility that you will find your way out of tricky situations. Politicians, strategists of warfare and lawyers have consistently used this simple method in their line of duty. It does not always seem to be honest and pure, but it does work a lot of time. Here is a step by step approach:
1) Create a mind set that accepts that an answer to the problem or challenge at hand exists. The sooner you believe it yourself the quicker your mind will help you find a way out!
2) Eliminate any crippling concept of hopelessness or helplessness
3) Highlight your needs: what do you want?
4) Tools are always available: The question is: what can we use to remedy the situation?
5) What makes the situation positive? Even in the darkest of times, the most difficult situations we could find something good if we look for it. All we need to do is look beyond the gloom.
This mind controlling approach works wonders. Try it!

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