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Thursday, July 21, 2016

How do you identify the best job in the world?

 Often candidates who line up for job interviews and selection processes are undecided or simply overwhelmed by what they think a new job should have in store for them. The desires vary according to the person who is applying. Fresh graduates are more into the money. Years of toiling at studies has sharpened their tastes for cash and all the things money can buy! Experienced executives want higher incentives as well as money they also want some measure of stability on the job so as to guarantee their ability to pay bills and meet demands on the side of the family.
Top level managers are perhaps looking towards retirement and want to be sure that they would be comfortable after they have worked for the number of years expected of them. Even though we can categorize the various desires of different classes of workers there are basic things that each person who is employed should look out for. We seek to highlight these necessary guidelines so as to ensure that when you are looking at taking on a new job, you do not allow the money alone to seduce you. There are various other things to consider.
A) A boss you can respect Its important that you are able to naturally respect the person responsible for supervising you on the job. If you work for a slow witted person this may be difficult in the sense that you would have act or pretend to have a good relationship with your boss.
B) A job that is worth your while and is of interest to you. If you for one day lose interest in the job you do there is a danger of fatigue and below par performance. Interest leads to passion. Passion would sustain you on the days that things are bad and do not work out the way you would want them to.
C) Enough basic pay. Everyone wants good remuneration. With out it there is always a feeling of dissatisfaction. Knowing you are being paid well is always a strong argument for inconveniences and sundry hazards of your profession.
D) Being part of a good team. A sense of camaraderie is strong link to job success. If you work with a team that does its job well you build momentum and find it easy to succeed at what you do. This is opposed to a group of people who are mediocre and inconsistent with the goals and objectives that are pursued by your organization.
E)Being well trained to do the job A lot of people disregard the importance of training. We all ought to seek to top our skills and go for refresher courses as often as possible. Not only are such activities motivating, but they ensure that we are up to par in performances since we are in touch with new concepts and cutting edge approaches to solving problems.
F) Having sufficient resources to carry the job out is also important. In today's work environment, the mantra is often that of limited resources. Even though resources for work are perpetually supposed to be limited, within the context of this limitation we ought to have enough to get by and do the job the way our employers want it done.
 G) Every worker should desire a reasonable degree of stability and security on the job. In times of economic turbulence workers should be able to have some level of comfort knowing that their jobs are secure and that tomorrow the company will still be there!
H) Being involved in decision making helps the commitment level of the worker to heighten. Discussing and agreeing to deadlines, targets and methods of work makes the executive more confident and comfortable on the job. 

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