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Friday, July 8, 2016

So you lost your job? Do's and donts you ought to know!

The greatest fear of any hardworking executive is to be laid off especially when there are dependents to cater for. But losing a job that you have worked at for some time does not necessarily mean its the end of the road! For starters here are some do's and don'ts you ought to know if you are in that category of people!
Take stock. What do you have in terms of talent, skill and finances and other resources? You would note that we did not put money first here. That is because there are some things more valuable than money. Taking stock would help you know where are you are it will also help you know the way forward.
Research; So where can I head next? In other words where are they hiring? Is there a job out there that fits my basic skills, talent or training. The good news is: if you look hard enough there is! Some times you may have to take a pay cut on a new job, other times you will have to consider doing things that you have not necessarily been used to in the past. Not to worry. Just make sure they are all in the area that you are familiar and comfortable with.
Tell People. Its good for you to tell people. Especially confidants and dependents so that they can learn to give you some space in terms of their demands and in terms of the confidants they could keep an eye or an ear open for you just in case opportunities should arise.
Be positive. Its not the end of the world. Remember that when one door is closed, many more are open . No matter how bad an economy or sector may seem to be, recruitment and selection is definitely going on somewhere else. You ought to find out where.
Count you blessings. Look at the good things you have to your advantage. Perhaps an education. Maybe some money you put aside as savings. etc
Leverage your network. It sounds like a IT/social media term well you may have to apply both the physical and the IT capabilities to your advantage. Get involved in discussions online. Showcase you skills and talents at every opportunity. You never know where the next job or contract will come from.
Do away with luxuries. Its time to cut your coat according to your cloth!
Cry to friends and relatives for help. If you must seek help do it in a dignified manner you do not want to appear helpless.
Seek sympathy from coworkers. The last thing you want is a pity party. There is always a way forward. Look for it.
Isolate yourself. Isolation is a dangerous. Reach to people. Frequent social circles. You'd be surprised what gets discussed at weddings, funerals and naming ceremonies.

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