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Friday, October 14, 2016

12 Characteristics of a healthy organization

In traditional times there was one way of determining the health of an organization. All those who are assessing have to do is check the books and it was assumed that once the organization is making a profit, then it is healthy. Times have since changed and in rating the health of an organization, people examining it look at customer relations, processes and of course the role and enthusiasm of the people in that organization in its day to day activity in addition to the profits!
In this analysis we intend to focus on the individuals, that is the workforce and attempt an assessment of the organization’s health from that perspective. This is seen as mainly a management or human resource function.(HRM)
-Integration of organizational goals with the personal or individual goals of the people who carry out the functions in the organization is a relevant perspective. The goals of the people must integrate with the goals of the organization at a point, or else the individuals concerned would lose interest and just to do their work in an absent minded none committal manner. People often aspire to develop on the job, promotion, more pay and conducive work conditions.
-The organizational structure that aids productivity is also a factor. There is a need to build the structure of the organization around its functionality at the levels of efficiency and effectiveness.
-Today’s workforce are increasingly looking for ways to contribute to the decision making function in the organization through democratic functionality. Where they cannot do so at management meetings, they would seek to do so through pressure groups within the organization or via labor unions.
-The people that make up the workforce want to be treated equitably or fairly. A human resource employment relations policies and practices are in order to ensure that equity prevails within the organization.
-Managers ought to promote mutual trust considerations within the organization and support among different levels to ensure a stable and solid morale.
-There ought to be open discussion of conflict with an attempt to avoid confrontation that could disrupt the business process.
-The managerial behavior and styles of leadership should be appropriate to work situations.
-Acceptance of psychological contract between the individual and organization is of profound importance. Each individual is expected to know the basic roles he should play as well as the does and don’t of the organization which are not always written down.
-The recognition of peoples’ needs and expectation at work as well as acceptance of individual differences and attributes are also a major characteristic of the healthy organization.
-HRM should also ensure equitable systems of rewards based on positive recognition of roles and contributions to the organization as well as work life and job design balance.
-There ought to be opportunities for personal development and career progression through the processes of training, coaching, mentoring, career guidance and career path.
-Every member of the organization should have a sense of loyalty to and identify with the organization and also have a feeling of being valued and important to the very existence of the organization.

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