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Friday, October 7, 2016

7 questions that would help you in work apprasials

Some people who work in highly politically motivated organizations see appraisals as punitive. For them, its a tool for supervisors or bosses to get back at people and show them who is in charge by way of giving low marks or dis-favorable appraisals. In professional environments where human resource management is prominent, appraisals are tools meant to rate the workforce, know their strengths and weaknesses and prepare them for greater challenges through training, coaching and mentoring. The following questions would give you a general idea of the methods and components of an appraisals in the modern organization.
1Who should be appraised?

 Staff in managerial, supervisory or administrative positions?

People in manual positions, skilled workers, technical duties?
Appraisal of medical doctors and lecturers is a tough call.
2.Who should undertake appraisal?

Immediate manager or supervisor (person who allocates work) or from a higher level to help feedback and quicker action and fair play

3. What should be the frequency of appraisal?

Annual appraisal?

  Frequency should be related to:

1.Nature of the organization

2.Purpose and objectives of task

3.Characteristics of the staff employed

4.Newly promoted staff

5.Past performance has been questionable
4. Ask yourself as an executive   
  Why do you need to have an appraisal scheme? 
What methods are managers in your organization using to assess staff? 
What say have people covered by the scheme had in its design or procedure? 
How often should appraisal take place should it vary with different levels or types of staff
5.       How should performance be measured?
 Should it measured against:

Targets preset by the employees?

Targets preset by the boss?

Targets preset by both together?

Obvious personal qualities such as drive?

Obvious successes or failures?

6.Who is best to assess an employee’s potential?
                 •Current boss alone?

 Other people in the organization i.e personnel officer? 
                   Employee and employer together
                    HR Manager?
7  Does performance assessment point to training needs in your organization?
What action is taken to meet these needs?

What are the most reliable indicators of likely success: Personality? Past 
performance? Any others?

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