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The power of the strategic plan

In today’s corporate world, whether you are in business, charity, ministry, sports, politics or even the academia it’s important for you to...

Monday, October 17, 2016

13 things that could be used to consider your next promotion!


  1. Job knowledge and abilities(perform all aspects of the job)
  2. Adaptability/Flexibility (Change multi-skillng for craft workers) 
  3. Productivity(individual work output)
  4. Quality to work(attention to detail)(Consistent quality)
  5. Attitude to work(commitment, motivation, enthusiasm)
  6. Interaction with others(team working ability communication.)
  7. Originality of thought(initiative, problem solving)
  8. Perception(ability to properly interprete job requirements)
  9. Judgement, use of resources(setting priorities, ability to plan and organise)
  10. Attendance and time keeping(numbers of, reasons for absence; punctaulity
  11. Safety awareness(awareness of health&safety standards)
  12. Need for supervision(leadership ability to develop others)
  13. Performance against targets(extent to which previously set targets have been achieved)

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