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Thursday, August 4, 2016

6 Qualities of a leader

Leadership is a big problem in both political and business environments of today. The mantra has been sounded that many organizations have a leadership problem rather than a resource problem. For instance, two of the richest countries in the world: Congo and Nigeria have three things in common: Vast natural resources, a large landmass and horrible people in leadership. This analysis carefully summarizes the challenge of leadership in countries that is relevant in families and business organizations. Every leader should have a vision for those he leads. He should understand what his mission is, able to outline goals and objectives as well as state strategy and tactics that would enable him achieve the goals and objectives which would ultimately help him fulfill his vision.  But beyond all this, each leader needs sundry qualities that would enable the led to have confidence in him. These qualities include: Enthusiasm, integrity, humanity, courtesy, humility and Knowledge.
An enthusiastic person is one who sees hope even on the darkest night. He has the gift of cheering people up the midst of gloom and darkness. Enthusiasm signals hope on the horizon. Its a beacon of light at the end of a dark tunnel. Enthusiastic leaders are able to transfer their enthusiasm to their followers. So that they can carry them along and get them to buy into visions that they have. Integrity is honesty. The greatest achievements in the world can be rubbished the person concerned has not integrity. What they are will tarnish what they have achieved. Honesty is definitely the best policy.  Leaders that care about their followers are loved and valued. Humanity requires that a leader is concerned about the welfare and well being of those who follow him. If the most brilliant leader in the world does not care for those who follow him, there will be a disconnect which could lead to followers frustrating the efforts of the leader at attaining his goals. Courtesy and kindness is required to carry information and instruction over to followers. No follower likes to be degraded or spoken down on. Politeness on the part of the leader enables proper communication to take place without unnecessary barriers. The humble leaders are loved by his people. There is really no need to be arrogant or to show power that everyone knows the leader has. Arrogance often blinds the eye to details which need attention. Every leader needs knowledge and information. Specialized knowledge about the field in which the leader holds sway can serve as a great advantage. Knowledge about people being led can lead to proper understanding of such people. Based on this, leaders can succeed when they seek to lead.

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