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Friday, August 26, 2016

7 High level Marketing Strategies to help improve your sales

Every person who markets a product or service needs strategies that can enhance the business and make  sales improve. In times when competition is high level and every organization is seeking to increase its market share it is important for us to evolve strategies that can help us improve our sales and keep our customers so that they do not go to the competition.
1.One area that is important for us to examine is repeated sales and referrals. what does the customer want and how can I keep him coming back for more? If we can answer this question, which means we ought to examine what the customer prefers and try to meet it, we can get the customer coming back.
2. After we've been in business for sometime we ought to know who our best customers are.Business ethics teach us that all customers are important but that does not mean some are not more important than others! Who are the most important customers in terms of repeated buying and volumes? How can I make sure that they keep coming back to me? What can I do out of the ordinary that would stop them from going to the competition even if they consider it? Occasional calls and inquiries about the products as well as updates about innovation and new products can be useful in this regard.
3. Looking at data helps. You ought to consider what customers what in terms of taste, preferences, style and habits. If you are into selling a product and service and you can actually categorize your customers, then it would help you predict changes, swings and spins that customers are involved in. Get the hang of this and you will excel in meeting their needs but remember it has to do with gathering information and using this information as data to further the cause of the customer.
4.What is your unique selling proposition? If you sell one product and the competition sells same how do you differentiate yourself from the competition? What can you present to the customer that would make him tilt towards you for business and believe that you are the real deal? You have to consistently be able to position and reposition yourself as an expert at what you do. This takes studying the competition, updating your services, skills and information on a regular basis. It could also require an awful lot of bench marking.
5 Endorsements work wonders! Get people to endorse you. We live in world in which no one wants to buy anything that no one else is buying! If it means getting people who have a following to buy your products, use them and endorse them in full view of the public, it would be sure to help you sell more of your product.
6. Direct mail helps if you can craft it to meet the needs and identity of your prospects. Sometimes, people do not know that they need or want a product until you let them know that you have it. So make a list and let them know. Craft the letter in such a way that it is not too patronizing but is idealistic enough to get the reader interested in sampling or seeing the product in question.
7. Get free advertising. Its always available in Social Media and even in the industrial(regular) media all you have to do is pursue it. A story woven around your product or service sells better than a full page ad in the newspaper which people will gloss over without a second glance. Some people use tricks to get attention, build interesting controversies around the product that should get the attention of they buying product and make them spend their money. On line the idea is to use social media pages to build interesting content and thereby inscribe an almost indelible impression on the minds of the potential customers. Music, movies, sports and fashion are viable vehicles. It there is no news you can exploit, create some.

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