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Wednesday, August 10, 2016

The branding process critical steps you have to take to stand out!

  • Determine what you are branding: a person a product a service
  • Research everything there is to know about your product and the market in which you will compete. For instance it would help to know who the market leader is what the going prices are and what you need to compete or at least make your presence felt in the sector in which you are operating. 
  • Position your brand by defending what makes it unique and how it will slot into an available space in the market and in your customers mind. This means you have to find out where your customer is and make sure your brand has a presence there. Locations here refer to both virtual and physical.
  • Define your brand by stating what it stands for: It could be excellence, taste, purity, exclusiveness, comfort, superiority. Whatsoever you choose would be shown in your advertising and promotions as your major attribute. You ought to be able to discuss what unique benefit consumer would derive from using your brand. Your brand is a promise. Make sure you fulfill that promise always. 
  • Developing the brand Identity is also an important step.Name, logo, colours signs and symbols etc. 
  • Once you done all of this you have to monitor your brand and make sure that its communicating and fulfilling the basic function for which it was created. 
There are three major rules that you must observe:
Your brand is a promise you must, as a matter of compulsion, fulfill that promise and ensure that your reinforce it every time people come in contact with your brand or any facet of your organization. 
Your brand must accurately reflect core beliefs of your organization, your leadership and all that are involved in delivering your brand experience. to consumers. 
Consistency builds brands, so every encounter with your brand -whether your staff , product, news coverage, website, marketing communications and any other form of brand experience-must consistently contribute to your desired brand identity. 
Also: You  must reflect the character of the brand
        Describe  the brands offerings
        Create an association with brands promises 
         Be easy and pleasant to pronounce or say!
         Should be unique and memorable  

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