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Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Fast cash strategies for product marketers

 A public auction of heavy duty vehicles in the US

At a point in business you are going to find that you urgently need cash. Even though we believe in marketing that technically goods in the store as a good as cash, sometimes you may need cash as a matter of urgency and would have to get creative in your bid to raise it. Here are some fast cash initiatives that could help your turn goods into the liquidity you urgently need.
1. Offer a range of goods for a lower price. Look more at the the turnover you are likely to get rather than the outlandish profit you have been looking forward to.
2. Find an overseas market that needs that goods that you can ship them to. With a proper banking arrangement you should be able to get your credit for the goods without much complication. Someone, somewhere needs what you want, all you need to do is find them and take the goods to their door step.
3 Where you have old outdated stock that no sophisticated buyer may want, see if you can trade it for advertising. Sometimes you find an agency, television station or radio outfit that is willing to take some of your stock and give you promotional space in exchange.
4. Barter it! IF you look hard enough you are bound to find an organization that markets a good or service that you need yourself and is willing to do an exchange for the goods. This means that some of the obligations you needed to fulfill with the cash have been met. 
5. Scout for wholesalers who are willing to take the stock off you for a reasonable price and possibly sell it to other retailers. Remember, your target here is to get fast cash!
6.Print a couple of leaflets with special discounts for your goods inscribed on them. It is bound to attract buyers to your outfit. Everyone likes to feel that they are getting more merchandise for their money.
7.Goods that are of everyday use can be sold to employees of other companies, so you could market directly to a company that has a large work force.
8. Look for a group of local retailers and tell them to bond to buy large consignments of your stock off. Its like asking them to create a special cooperative for the purchase of your goods. If you include a little discount it could work wonders!
9. You could also look for another company to freight the goods to a country where they are needed and discuss with the freight company the possibility of them taking goods for the service instead of you paying cash that you need desperately. Another strategy is to get your banker to under write the cost of freight pending the time you will receive cash for the goods.
10 Auction it! The American auction is when you assemble a group of buyers and your sell the goods to the highest bidder. Another strategy to adopt is to call up more than one buyer and keep talking to as many of them as possible until your get a price or prices that you feel you can live with.

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