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Monday, August 29, 2016

7 Tips that would help turn shoppers into buyers.

Cleaning products for sale at a supermarket
Not everyone that comes into your domain to shop would actually buy, unless you handle them with some special care. If you are running a shop or sales outlet of any kind, whether its virtual or physical, you need an extra push to ensure that people who visit go away with products or service endorsements. Lets convert window shoppers into buyers. Here are somethings your ought to take into consideration.
1. Have a greeter at the door or a feel good post at the entry point of the domain. Making the shopper feel relaxed and in good spirit could help him be in good stead to purchase.
2. Ensure a shopper likes what he sees! Attractive and pleasurable environments are part of the strategy that keeps shoppers coming back to locations and also makes them feel in the right spirit to purchase products and services in that environment. If we are selling online then the domain should be graphically beautiful to behold.
3.Put a guarantee up front. Make them feel it right from the door that "this organization is willing to do all they can to satisfy me". This can be demonstrated in the polite and patient manner with which we handle clients in a commercial environment.  Rather than just say it, we act it in every thing we do in the company when the customer is at hand.
4. Do a survey: What do my customers want, how can I best give it to them. The modern customer is a very sophisticated person. He has specialized tastes and preferences. Once we understand what those are, it keeps us in tune with the customer and makes selling easy.
5. Capture all the information you can about the customer. Sometimes, small talk reveals additional information that can be useful. When its possible, we ought to ask the customers questions based on the usage of the product and service to enable us give expert or informed advice about the product. When such advice works, it endears us to the customer and repeat business as well as referrals are bound to occur.
6. Bounce back campaigns and tools such as specialized discounts and coupons can make a customer's day. Most customers value things that are given free of charge, especially when such goods are services that are really needed by the customer.
7. The power of thank you! Let's never take it for granted that a customer has no where else to go. Even in situations where we discover that what we have is close to being a monopoly. Thanking a customer for patronizing our service or buying our goods ought to come naturally. Cicero said "gratitude is not only the greatest of all virtues but the parent of all others".

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