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Monday, August 29, 2016

Marketing Principles that would enlarge your business

Here are some general principles that would help your business to expand over a short period of time if you use them consistently. They are tried and tested by various organizations and of course they will work for you if you use them conscientiously.
1. Long copy outsells short copy. People need to know all the right information to make informed buying decisions. Smaller advertisements have their place, but are better as a tool of bigger advertisement links.
2. The free phone call or discount coupon works wonders. Giving people something free occasionally boosts their ego and endears you to them. So make a list of your best and most frequent buyers and find something free that is also useful to give them.
3. A picture takes the place of a thousand words! The saying is relevant to journalism but is often misplaced in marketing goods and services. A picture is useful, but is better when its is accompanied with text and explanatory material. If you do not have the money to buy large space in the media to explain all the details that the buyer will look out for, find an alternative that would fulfill your advertising schedule. A direct mail letter with pictures might suffice, you can even put a picture on your business card.  Distributed leaflets and fliers are also great tools.
4. Avoid  superlative generalities.
-The best deal in town!
-A great product at a great price
-Super high quality
-We buy in bulk and pass on the savings
You ought  to be more precise and descriptive in your promotions:
-Lose 18 pounds in 36 days
-Fuel additive increases mileage by 44%
-Car insurance up to 16% cheaper than current policy guaranteed
-Studies prove that the product lasts 136% longer.

5. Positive outsells the negative: Don't market the fear factor. Make people feel good! It will make them buy. If you must use negative concepts put them side by side with the positive:- Excitingly bitter. Is an example.
6. A sales letter must look like a letter but the best marketing tools are those that don't necessarily look like marketing tools.Subtle concepts get into the psyche and stay there that's why companies use music and sometimes sports as veritable vehicles.
7. Sell solutions: If you can identify the solutions to problems you are engaged in, it will  energize your marketing. Think about the following: What does the product or service do? Will it help to: Lose weight, grow hair, lower bills, make me safe, make me popular? IF it solves a problem it will sell faster.
8. The law of repetition: One shot doesn't work, one letter , one advertisement. First time contacts are the poorest in response. Prospects need to be pitched two, three, four times before they are sold completely.  The process is: Tell them what you need them to know, tell them what you told them and tell them again. The rule applies to public speaking as well as marketing. 00
9. Customer comes first! Entrepreneurs often erroneously focus on -Sales, sales, sales. Its not wrong to desire to sell, but the true focus ought to be customers, customers, customers! Make them happy and they will come back and buy more. Sales are for today, customers are for ever.
10 Perception: The Perception of the product is as important as the product itself. How do people see the product? The picture in the mind of the consumer is a very important thing. We ought to strive to make sure that the picture is as positive as possible. All great products need great promotions to get into the minds of the customer. Mind you, not all great advertising or promotions is massive and expensive.
11. Free advertising is a must to help a business thrive. If you want to succeed in promoting your product or service, make sure that your customers are out there speaking good about your product or service.   Also make sure that 90 percent of your advertising is from referrals. Put your publicity machine in gear, press releases and public events could also help.Do something newsworthy and call in the media, that way you don't necessarily have to pay for it.
12. You can lead a horse to water, but can't force it to drink! This is a well known saying. When customers are as obstinate as the horse and do not want to buy, the trick is to make them thirsty! In the UK and US peanuts are placed on the counters of public drinking houses. They are free for consumption and mostly salted. The salt helps promote thirst; the principle is, the more peanuts you eat, the more thirsty you are and the more drinks you are likely to buy. We can borrow this principle in all of our marketing and sales. What would make the customer thirst for more of my services or product? Think about it and do it! 

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