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Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Motivation to set and achieve your goals

Life can be boring if you do not have things to work for. Often we can categorize our reasons for working and struggling into ambition, family, survival and many others, but the truth is life needs goals to make it meaningful and we all have to set goals and work towards them. You cannot imagine a football match being played without goals posts! What you'll probably have is 22 adults running around a pitch aimlessly for 90minutes! This makes no sense! Life makes no sense if we do not set goals for ourselves and seek to achieve them.
While looking at goal setting, I like to categorize our quest in life into five major parts: Relationships, Finance, Work, Academics and Health. Any other thing we desire in this world would eventually fall under one of the categories that we have mentioned here. For instance we can extend relationships to encapsulate God, our creator, spouses, children, family, friends, associates and co-workers!  From a financial point of view, I have written two main articles on personal finance in Optimum Performance one advises that we have 3 kinds of income, the other says if we can work it out we ought to have multiple sources of income. One sources is hardly ever enough for an adult that is raising children and paying bills! Work related goals comprise of where we want to be in our career say in the next 3 to 5 years. There has to be something we would always look forward to, something that gets us out of bed in the morning beyond the money and the inward chant: "I owe, I owe so off to work I go!" Work ought to be inspiring and achieving so that we look forward to helping people with the skills that God has given us. Our academics are also important. This does not mean that we have to keep going back to school for formal education!

 Rather, what it does mean is we ought to challenge ourselves to life of continuous learning; We have to keep studying to get better at what we do so that we are not left behind in the dynamism of this world where change is inevitable and constant. We ought to never forget how important our health is. Health is wealth and without it we cannot enjoy life. So if you are on prescription drugs, take the drugs as directed by the doctor. Never risk your health in any circumstances. Eating well, resting and exercising are all part of a healthy lifestyle that everyone needs. These five key areas are the foundation for the discussion on goal setting because we ought to be able set goals in all of these areas to make life more meaningful.  Next we would be looking at 20 steps you need to observe to meet your goals.

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