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Thursday, September 15, 2016

10 principles that make ordinary businessmen exceptional entrepreneurs


       1. Have a vision- Every human being who wants to make it to the top of their career
 or business should have vision. Where do I want to be in the next couple of years?
A vision is defined as:
Where the owners of the company want it to be in three to five years
A clear view of the future state which the organization will ideally attain
A clear idea of where the proposed destination is. So where do you want to be in the next five or six years?

2. Support the vision with action- Vision with out action is of no consequence. If we have a vision we need to back it up with action that would lead to the accomplishment of the vision. A simple example is any person who wants to be renown in any field of endeavor. Such person can not afford to be like everybody else he or she would have to work twice as hard, be more committed and continually try to make a difference in everything that he does that would move him closer to his vision.

3. Less is more. This is a principle shared in many concepts that has to do with prioritizing, work load and specialties. The basic principle is, on the long run, the less you do, the more you get accomplished. For instance, if you are burdened with several major tasks to get done over a period of time, often, the best strategy is to pick two three major ones and concentrate on them with the hope of putting in your best and getting it done right. This strategy has been taught in military academies and well as management retreats.   

4 Speed to market: Once you get an idea, dash to the market as soon as possible. Don’t wait; remember ideas do not have monopolies. The first to the market often hits it big. The concept struck the Guinness MD in the oddest of places. While watching a cheetah stalk a deer on a game reserve in Kenya he watched the big cat dash for the game without hesitation and concluded this is speed to market!

5. Get out of your comfort zone: Human beings are creatures of habit, both good and bad habits. Doing things in the repeatedly in the same way or doing the same things over makes us comfortable, even though we do not always get the best results. The comfort zone restricts us from taking risks or imaging what could be if we try to do something else or try to do something in a different way. Getting out of your comfort zone takes guts but it can often be worth it. After all nothing ventured, nothing lost or gained!

6. Be yourself and be prayerful: Being yourself basically means we do not have to copy anyone else to get the job done. We often have talents and peculiarities of our own. It is important that we believe in God as well as our abilities because individual abilities are given by God. So prayer is an important for success. We should all learn to pray and commit our work to God; that spiritual action, as well as individual effort could lead to amazing results.

7. Leverage Relationships: Connections help us do things much easier than we could possibly do them alone. Many of us have people we know in various fields who could help us get things done faster and more efficiently. No matter how high up you are in life you need someone to help you get some things done which you cannot do yourself. Relationships are meant to help us through life. We should learn to leverage the relationships we have with people baring in mind that we are not out to exploit them. Of course we need a relationship with God to, so that we can always have Him as our guide and seek for help when we need it.

8. Let your attitude be the difference: the management theory CPC= SxA is Career Potential Coefficient equals Skill x Attitude. A lot of people who qualify for positions of responsibility have attitude problems. This is mainly because success challenges attitude. We can be powerful, dutiful and humble at the same time.

9. Integrity is important: One of the basic problems faced in Africa today is that of integrity. At the higher level, many managers have found it difficult to keep their hands out of the till. Some of them have done deals for personal gain using their position and company resources. The key question is: can you be trusted with money, position or power with falling into the trap of using it wrongly?

10. Grow Yourself: Invest in yourself. Read something new that can develop you and add to your knowledge. Don’t dwell on your past. What have you done this month that would contribute to your personal development?

11. Have a heart of gratitude and learn how to give: We all need to learn how to thank God for his blessings and for sparing our lives on a continuous basis. It is however important that we learn to give. Giving attracts blessings to us. There is no doubt about the fact that he who gives receives. Givers never lack. 

The principles were shared by Seni Adetu, former managing director Guinness Ghana and Guinness Nigeria also a former managing director of East African Breweries. He ought to know!   


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