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Friday, September 30, 2016

Five kinds of people that crisis would reveal in your organization!

         Why you need a crisis in your business

          One of the great things a crisis would do for your business or organization is it will help you define the kind of people you work with. Let's face it, even though it sounds Machiavellian, if there are no crises you ought to invent one, just to see how people around you would react. Never over the look the fact that within your work force, there are different kinds of people with different motives. Some are there just for the pay packet and benefits they can get out of it; others really have the very interest of you, the leader or the organization at heart. There are those who just like the prestige and power that your organization presents to them. Any sign of losing those privileges and the man who is not there for noble as well as gainful purposes would begin to turn. You would see different characters and characteristics emerge; often, things you did not bargain for or see clearly when you were taking these people on would begin to stare you in the face.
             The most common kind of crisis is the one that bothers on finance. Any sign that an organization would not be able to meet its obligations would send panic right through the organization and also cause jitters among those who work there. Remuneration is very important for the very existence of every organization; without it, the confidence of those who work there begins to melt and fade until attrition sets in. It would be dangerous to let staff know that the organization has financial challenges. But trials can be conducted in the form of delay of allowances or salaries for a couple of days, or requests for employees to invest monies in organizational activity that could be beneficial. Such activity as cooperatives, shares buying schemes(for private organizations) and learning facilities in which the employees is required to contribute a token for self development. 
             Other crisis that might emerge could have to do with leadership of the organization and strategy. Every organization reaches a cul-de-sac or a period of confusion over the way forward. Strategic planning is supposed to take care of such activity but often we find that followers tend to disagree greatly with leaders over the future endeavors and prospects of an organization. This disagreement in itself is a crisis.Although strategy challenges are mostly resolved in favor of the leadership who are expected to know better than the followers, the outcome is not always peace, tranquility and healthy commencement of activity. Schisms, conflicts and inbred bitterness occurs that could erupt into larger crisis in the future. 
             Your crisis would reveal the presence of five kinds of people in your organization. Know them, so you might know how to deal with them:
1.      Loyal people; These are people who identify with your cause and your ideas, its very difficult to sway them from what they believe in. Loyal people are wont to follow other people that inspire them with great visions which they buy into. These visions are usually for the greater good and would benefit a number of people within the group. Loyal people are not usually easy to buy over once the make up their minds. They are usually noble and honorable people who stand for what is right and ethical.
2.           Disloyal people: The opposite of the loyal people are the disloyal. Hardly would the crisis erupt than you would see them change in their attitude towards work. They hardly ever keep their feelings to themselves. They would try to win members and even start a movement within an  organization with disgruntled feelings and anger being the rallying point. Some of them have the mastered the ability to hide their true feelings but in the midst of a crisis you would see these feelings coming out in the different ways.
3.         Grateful people: Its error to think that grateful people are those who were disadvantaged and were given opportunities to rise to advantageous positions Grateful people are those who appreciate and use everything thing and every person that comes to their way to the best of their knowledge. They see things around them as gifts and they quick to recognize that whatever they have could have gone to someone else.
4          .Ungrateful people: Ungrateful people are the direct opposite of grateful people. They often believe that the world owes them something, and that governments, organizations and people owe them something, and if those things they believe they are owed are not coming forth, they are ready to ferment trouble. Let's note here that many of the claims to what they believe that they are owed are not accurate.

   5 .      Opportunists: We often say that opportunities knock but once! Well, that's not entirely accurate. You opportunities come to those who look for them and  are prepared to grasp them. Many people could begin as opportunists but later fall into one of the other categories of people we have mentioned. Often opportunists are seen as people who are not sincere and could turn their beliefs and philosophies at the drop of a hat. They are often described as fair weather people who move with a turn of the wind. But that is not always the case with them. Opportunists are people who are quick to change their minds about situations and other people, but when they find something they truly believe in, they stick to it. 

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