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Friday, September 2, 2016

What to tell the customers in the event of a sale

If you ever find yourself in a fix concerning cash and you have goods at hand to sell you might consider focusing on the turnover, instead of getting all of the profit in at once! One way out is to make as selection of goods that you will sell at price below the normal market rate. You could also mark out a certain period on your calendar that you intend to sell the products for that amount of money, making sure that you don't sell off your total stock and at the same time you keep to your plan to restrict sales for that period. The big question is what do you tell the customers in case they think you have been ripping them off before the special sales period commences and how would you justify going back to "normal" prices? Well you can tell them:
1. You are in urgent need of cash flow to meet certain commitments that can't wait and therefore you are using the sale for cash advances
2. Business is slow and you want to make sure that customers benefit during this slow time!
3. The sale is only for this one time so they had better take advantage of it!
4. You have to raise cash so that you can pay off employee and meet your costs
5. Its a slow season, you need to generate cash.
6. The deal will be gone when business picks up

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