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Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Understand your marketing environment now! It will make you rich!

   Marketers do not operate in a vacuum there are a number of factors that come from the environment that people who operate there must understand. The first thing we must really understand is that each marketing environment has challenges, traits, behavioral paradigms and product preferences. By observing the market we operate in and talking to people who trade there, we can get a proper grasp of all of these and be able to know how to structure our business to suit our discoveries. 
 Children affect the way we do business
       A lot of these peculiarities are guided by specific cultural values which inform our Interests, moral obligations, desires, wants, needs and many other attractions:  Some of the factors that affect every marketing environment are:
  •        Godliness-Many countries of the world believe in God and this belief affects how they behave in their businesses and work environments as well as how they do business. There are not many countries that refuse to acknowledge the presence of a supreme being, and even where it appears to be against the policy of a country to acknowledge God, we find that many people in such countries have begun to turn to hidden worship centres to seek a relationship with the Almighty.  
  •         Age is respected in numerous countries of the world. Many countries see senior citizens and people who have served in one category or the other on behalf of their governments for a long time as people to be respected. Signs of old age should attract respect from younger people and this also has an effect on how we do business. In a countries where we have aging populations like Norway, UK and Germany, goods and services would be developed for this category of people on a large scale. In such countries special products and services for the aged are on the market and have a large following among those who patronize. 
  •         Honor, as in the recognition of achievement, is also a generally recognizable factor in various countries of the world. Every country has national honors and special paraphernalia which they use to honor outstanding achievement. Often we find that such people who are recognized are often linked to certain products and services to the advantage of different companies and countries at large. City officials have been known to give thriving businessmen "keys"to their cities as a mark of honor and these moves not only boost competition among businesses but also help to improve sales of goods and services.
  •        Every nation has its hotels, resort centres and tourist attractions. Hospitality therefore becomes a major factor in this regard. Most nations have the habit of welcoming visitors, as a continuous inflow of visitors  who bring their money to the destinations and spend it induce indirect employment and a boost in the sales of various goods and services. Even though there are elements of suspicion in many cultures, generally, people of a country tend to be hospitable when they understand that their countries could  benefit from visitors. 
    Gratitude is important
  •        Gratitude is also a factor. How do people say thank you? What are the common gifts that are given out on as presents during a celebration. Easter eggs are popular in the UK, but not so popular in many other parts of the world. Turkey is a common feature for thanksgiving in the United States. If we do a study of the environment we live in it would help us understand some of these things. 
  •         National pride is also a behavioral trait that  affects the way we do business. Most people love their country and get involved in peculiar behaviors such as saluting their national flags, singing national anthems and observing the significance and importance of national monuments. The citizens of the United States are immensely proud of their country. This pride rings loudly during war between countries, sporting competitions and when natural disasters occur. Products that promote pride can be a hit during ceremonies of national importance. 
  •        Mothers, motherhood and motherliness is a great factor that most countries observe. "She who rocks the cradle rules the world", goes the saying.  A country that revers mothers would give them due recognition and this would be embedded in the product marketing and sales, not just on mothers' day, but all year round. 

  •        Every society recognizes and panders to the innocence of children. Children account for almost half of the expenses that working adults incur: clothing, baby food, toys, schooling, playgrounds, health etc. The baby market is billion dollar one that is big everywhere in the world. Children are given prominence in all walks of life. No matter what. 
  •         Corruption is also a major factor. Countries around the world suffer from corruption and do their best to fight it. The will to fight corruption is probably what has led to cashless purchases and banking transfers. The latter day thinking encourages the reduction of cash in circulation. Credit cards, money transfers and cashless payment machines have been introduced today more than ever before. They all affect the way we do business and some people have made a business out of creating cashless purchase solutions. The processes enable monitoring authorities to track money and resolve crimes bothering on fraud and corruption. But people still give and receive bribes to get things done in many countries of the world.

  •         The recognition of the family as the most important unit of existence also affects the way we do business around the world today. There are hundreds of thousands of products that focus on the family: from television and radio shows to holidays and clothing as well as travel arrangements. Many countries have a focus on old family values as a major point of reference for their national pride.

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