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Tuesday, September 27, 2016

LIfestyle traps you ought to avoid in the corporate world

Life expectancy in most African Countries these days is 57 years. Those of us who are educated and enlightened do not take care of our bodies. We put all kinds of junk in our system in form of drugs, alcohol and unhealthy food and live in air conditioning from house to car to office and back again. The general observations of lifestyle experts is that we are killing ourselves. And the lack of proper health facilities is not helping one bit. The habits often start from when we are young. Peer pressure and group activity makes us experiment with some of these social traps and sometimes we get hooked all way into adulthood. 
Those who drink as young adults are more likely to be victims of sexually transmitted diseases(STDs). Increasingly we appear to be raising a generation of people who have been smitten by these situations in their youth. Liver disease, heart attacks and various forms of cancers is often the resultant effect of this lifestyle. Smoking has led to infertility in men and women and there have even been cases of low sperm count, low libido and inability to conceive on the part of the women. According to NHS choices http://www.nhs.uk/Livewell/studenthealth/Pages/Smoking,alcoholanddrugs.aspx the indulgence can also lead to gum disease and the smoking habits has included an experimentation with Cannabis and other drugs by youngsters between the ages of 16 and 24!
The pressure of work can often push an adult into the use of drugs and alcohol as a way of escape and relief from pressure. Research among adults in Africa has shown that four out of every 10 working class men drink after a hard days work. Quite a few of them prefer beer and spirits while the rest are merely social or occasional drinkers. Smoking of different kinds of tobacco has however reduced in many countries because of the ban on advertisement and laws in some countries that prohibit smoking in public places. Harder drugs such as street cocaine called crack are still being used as social drugs among classes of people who can afford the relatively expensive habit. But the over reliance in many countries is on Cannabis which is sold freely on the street in many countries of the world. 
Cocaine and Cannabis use can both lead to dependence by the users and have drastic consequences on their lives. Experts say frequent users could descend into states of paranoia and depression and end up being hooked for long periods of time. Basically the life styles to choose to relief stress and low feelings is to get entertained, exercise and to take holidays as frequently as possible. Sufferers from addiction to any of these drugs are advised to get counseling and clinical help before the habits get out of hand.  

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